As Stereophile's minister without portfolio, my goal was to find something interesting that didn't quite fit into traditional categories. The prize was an introduction, at a Harman demo room in the Hard Rock Casino/Hotel, to Lexicon's SL-1 loudspeaker prototype (price TBD) and the SoundSteer technology that distinguishes it. It was emphasized that SoundSteer is "highly scalable," and visitors were treated as a focus group to generate ideas for specific products and applications.
IRVINE, California, — Each year T.H.E. SHOW Newport has been growing in popularity and this year it’ll be more of amust-see than ever for audio enthusiasts and music lovers. HARMAN Luxury Audio Group will be adding to theexcitement with the first U.S. demonstration of its new Mark Levinson № 536 Monaural Power Amplifier, which deliversextraordinary sound quality to complement the finest ultrahigh-end music systems. Also being shown will be JBL’s iconic,top of the line DD67000 Everest and K2-S9900 loudspeakers in a newly available high-gloss Polar White and RossoCorsa custom finishes respectively.